Craigslist has become one of the most popular sites on the internet providing access for many different types of listings. It has also as a result become a place to commit fraud.
Craigslist is not responsible for the fraud. The fraud occurs when the seller of an item is contacted by an alleged purchaser.
A meeting is arranged, and the item sold. The seller is happy for the sale until they go to use the money they receive and find out it is counterfeit.
Proper reporting is necessary to prevent this problem. Here are some helpful tips:
1.When contacted, go to and run a reverse search of the phone
number given.This can tell you who the phone is listed to, if it is a cell phone, or if
it is unlisted. In many cases "burn" or disposable phones won't be listed.
2. Ask to meet at a public place like a restaurant or library. Not only is it a safety
issue for you but many of these places have video surveillance and the suspect can
be identified.
3. Have someone go with you. Two sets of eyes are better than one.
4. Don't change from the public location. If a person legitimately wants to buy they
will make the transaction in a public place.
5. Check the money. Legitimate money will have the same width to the edges all
around the bill. Check the denomination strip. Hold the money up in the light.
You should see a strip of paper on the right hand side that describes the amount
of the bill. Touch the numbers, treasury notes are heat sensitive and the numbers
will change colors when heat is applied. Also check the bill coloring and compare
it to a legitimate bill. There are other things to check on a bill. for more tips
contact us at or visit our website.
6. Do not hand over the item until all these things have been done.
7. If you are buying an item make sure it works and that it has the model number and
serial number. Do this with a witness.
8. Do not take checks. If it is not a good check, or if it is fraudulent or stolen, it will
be difficult to get your money back.
You might want to check out our services page. Our members get many of these items verified as part of their membership.
We hope this information will help you to avoid some of the pitfalls associated with online buying and selling. Stay tuned for more helpful hints.
Michael L. Abernathy
Fraud Protection Network
Abernathy Investigative group LLC